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miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Life being what it is

Life being what it is es una pieza de Kaki King una guitarrista que me gusta por su propuesta en cuanto al uso de efectos de guitarra se refiere. (ademas de que ella "presta" sus manos y toca varios de los temas de la película August Rush)

You put a note in my pocket,
said be good to yourself,
but that was all.

Life being what it is,
we all dream of revenge.
Open your eyes for a second,
just to roll them at me.

I stare straight into the sun,
something to concentrate on.

And if you turn it on you'll find,
I've written you a thousand times.
You would do anything,
you'd give up everything,
for God knows why.

I just can't stay till you're gone,
I won't wish you well,
I won't see you off,
I won't try to call,
if I see you in my mind,
I'll say to you,
its not your fault.

You said I'll see you in September,
but that's not long enough for me.
you put a note in my pocket,
so it would take care of me.
But that was all.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Hola primo!, Jajaja esta rola la tengo en un video que publique en mi blog. A! y es super genial esta chica.
